Saturday, March 31, 2012


“You play to win the game.” Those
were the famous words of NFL coach Herman Edwards. It doesn’t matter what sport
you’re playing, you should either play to win, or don’t play at all. I live by
those words, which is why my Porsche is detailed, my black card is ready to be
used and I’m fresh to death. I’m picking up a nice young lady to take her to
Mr. Chows for dinner, as we speak.
As she walks out of her door and her smile shines brighter than the sun, I’m taking aback by her
beauty. She’s a good girl, that’s what I prefer and I will tell you about that later. Right now, I’m smitten by her swag. She’s dressed classy, yet seductive; she has me wondering how she looks
without anything on. “Thank you very much, they are beautiful,” she tells me
ask I hand her the flowers and as she smells there aroma, I open the door to my
car for her so we can get the night started.
As I drop the top and speed down the Henry Hudson, I keep the conversation simple and only on
her. The one thing more important to a woman then making her laugh is simply
paying attention to her. Her name is Giselle and I met her at a
teacher’s conference in Albany. When I saw the passion in her eyes as she gave
a speech on Special Education, I knew that I was not going to leave without her
number; I didn’t. I called her the next day since I don’t play the, “three day
wait” game. After I hung up after our
first conversation, I was left thinking that she is the kind of girl you want
to marry.
Three hours, two
bottles of Chardonnay and four rolls of sushi later, we are both having the
time of our lives. The conversation has went from discussing fashion, cars and
the education system, to favorite positions, craziest places we’ve ever had sex
and your first sexual experience. And the best part of it all is that I didn’t
initiate this conversation. I know she asking herself, “Damn, can I see myself
with him?” and I’m asking myself the same thing. She could possibly be the one.
“So what would
you like to do now?” she asks in a seductive tone. I’m better off playing coy
so I respond. “This is your night, love.” By the look in her eyes, I know what
she has in mind. “I’m going to freshen
up and we’ll decide what the rest of the night will hold when I get back.”
As she makes her
way to the restroom, I think it’s time I explain some things that I’ve said.
Earlier I told you that I like good girls, but I never explained why. I’m a fan
of good girls because I’m a hunter, a predator. I take more joy in the chase,
than the capture. This is why I prefer not to deal with women who are hot in
the ass; what’s the fun in that? I also said that I could see myself with her.
When I said that, I meant I could see myself with her in bed. I’m not trying to
wife her, just sleep with her.
She heads back
to the table, switching her ass more than when she left and that’s sign
language to me.
“So I was
thinking that we can go back to my house and continue our discussion. How does
that sound?” she asks.
“That sounds
like fun,” I respond as I try to hold my excitement.
I pay the bill,
leave a fifty dollar tip and we make our way to my car. Oh, there’s one more
thing I forgot to explain. Yes, I did say that she’s the kind of girl that you
would want to marry and she is; but not the kind I would marry. And it’s not because I don’t respect her or see her as
the kind of woman that I could spend the rest of my life with, it’s just that I
already am married.
You play to win the game.
Thanks in advane for your support!

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